თავისუფალი უნივერსიტეტი ოილერის ოლიმპიადის ფარგლებში აცხადებს კონკურსს ორიგინალური ამოცანების მიღებაზე

30 December 2024

Euler Olympiad is Free University organized contest for high school students (IX, X, XI, XII grades) interested in mathematics. The contest is intended to attract participants willing to explore their potential through applying modern, innovative solutions to mathematical problems.

Additional information about the Euler Olympiad can be found on the following link: Euler Olympiad 2025

According to the international practice, Free University of Tbilisi announces call for the applications of distinctive mathematical problems for the rounds of competition of the Euler Olympiad.

Interested applicants should submit their applications on the link bellow, indicating terms of the mathematical task and relevant solution. Mathematical Problems Application

Submitted applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee of the Olympiad, and in case your proposed idea is selected, you will be contacted accordingly.

The authors of the applications selected during the competition will receive an honorarium and respective credentials about authors will be distributed in the relevant newsletters launched within the communications of the competition.

The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad will review received applications based on following criteria: 

  • Problem terms are clear and reasonable
  • Variety of problem solutions
  • Distinctive character of the mathematical problem

In case of additional queries, please feel free, to submit any questions to the following email: g.arabidze@freeuni.edu.ge

Deadline for submitting applications  is March 10, 2025.