Bachelor's in Mathematics & Computer Science

06 აპრილი 2018


Mathematics & Computer Science (MACS)

Programme Title: 

Computer Science and Mathematics

Qualification Awarded: 

Bachelor in Mathematics; Bachelor in Computing.

Programme Credits: 

240 ECTS

Language of Instruction: 


Duration of the Programme: 

4 years

Objectives of the Programme:

Graduates of Mathematics and Computer Science School of Free University will have a broad and in-depth theoretical knowledge in modern and fundamental areas of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Career Options:

After completing the Bachelor Programme, graduates will be able to work in private or public sector in various fields, including, but not limited to:

  • in the industry or in a business. The positions might be related to the Software Engineering, Management of Informational Technologies or other positions connected to Computer Science;
  • in their own company, established in the sphere of Computer Science.

Learning Outcomes: 

After completion of Bachelor Program, graduates will own general and specific competencies listed below:

General Competences: 

Ability to:

  • critically analyse, discuss and debate;
  • professionally write and communicate in the native language;
  • write and communicate in a foreign language (English);
  • adapt and act in unfamiliar environments;
  • work in teams;
  • use modern information and communication technologies.

Specific Competences:

  • in-depth knowledge in the different disciplines of computer science and ability to use this knowledge in the working process;
  • knowledge of fundamental concepts, principles and theories of mathematics;
  • ability to establish and prove key theories of different fields of mathematical science;
  • knowledge of specific software packages/programming languages/languages necessary for mathematical computations;
  • ability to transform real-world events into the mathematical models;
  • ability to formulate and analyse problem-solving methods;
  • ability to apply analytical / symbolic and numerical methods, as well as corresponding computational techniques to solve problems and tasks;
  • ability to deepen knowledge in fundamental fields of computer science and mathematics;
  • experience and skills in software engineering, ability to apply appropriate methods, approaches and tools;
  • experience in research in exact science;
  • professional responsibility, understanding of ethical norms and principles of sustainable development.

Admission criteria:

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science accepts students according to their scores at the Georgian National Examinations. The required subjects are:




Georgian language and literature



Verbal and Quantitative reasoning



Foreign language



Physics or Mathematics




Around 50 freshmen are accepted annually. According to the scores of overall admitted students in academic year 2016-2017, Mathematics and Computer Schence Program at Free University is the best countrywide.


Full description of the programme

Curriculum for Bachelor in Computer Science (Computing)

Curriculum for Bachelor in Mathematics