Funding Opportunities for Scholars - DAAD Fellowships

16 მაისი 2013

DFG – German Research Foundation

The DFG (German Research Foundation) is the self-governing organization for science and research in Germany.The DFG funds knowledge-oriented research without stipulation of topics and utilizes competition to select the best projects in terms of scientific quality.The DFG funds the best scientists and academics and pays particular attention to the promotion of young researchers and equal opportunities in the German research system. The DFG promotes cooperation in science – especially interdisciplinary and international cooperation – as well as the interaction of science with industry and society. DFG offers several types of grant programs:


  1. Individual Grants Program – researchers who have completed their academic training (as a rule, those who hold a doctorate) are eligible to submit project proposals with a defined thematic focus and project duration.
  2. Coordinated Programs - promoting cooperation and structural innovation by encouraging national and international collaboration in areas of current relevance and by concentrating scientific potential at a university.
  3. Excellence Initiative - aimed to promote top-level research and to improve the quality of German universities and research institutions in general, thus making Germany a more attractive research location, making it more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the outstanding achievements of Germany universities and the German scientific community.
  4. Research Infrastructure - The DFG offers centrally-coordinated funding to build and improve scientific infrastructure: Scientific Library Services and Information Systems, Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology, Central Research Facilities.
  5. Scientific Prizes - the DFG awards prizes to scientists and academics in recognition of their outstanding research achievements.
  6. InternationalCooperation - In order to establish and foster scientific contacts, the DFG provides funding for scientific events, conferences, lecture and information trips and within the Mercator Programme.

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Max – Planck Society

Max - Planck Society is an independent nonprofit research organization providing research funds. The society promotesfundamental research in the natural and bio sciences, humanities and social sciences. It unites 78 institutes, research centers, and laboratories with 12,000 employees out of which 4,100 are scientists. Annually 10,000 PhD students, post docs, and researchers join the society. Approximately 50% of them are foreigners.

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DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships are intended to promote advancement in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research. The DLR–DAAD Research Fellowships are implemented by the DeutschesZentrumfürLuft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and DAAD.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany.

DLR-DAAD Fellowships are defined and awarded on an individual basis.
For a full program description, please visit: DLR-DAAD Fellowships

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was established by Germany in order to promote international cooperation in research. The Humboldt Research Fellowship Program supports highly qualified post-doctoral scholars of all nationalities and disciplines so that they may carry out long-term research projects (6-24 months) in Germany. There are no quotas with respect to country of origin or academic discipline.

The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 600 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually. Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed.

For more information please follow the link:

For additional information about DAAD scholarships please visit the following web-site: