PhD in Natural Sciences

18 აპრილი 2018



Doctoral School

Programme Title: 

PhD in Natural Sciences

Qualification Awarded: 

PhD in Biology; PhD in Chemistry; PhD in Physics.

Programme Credits: 

180 ECTS

Language of Instruction: 


Concept of the Programme:

Free University Tbilisi (FUT) and Agricultural University of Georgia (AUG) have a vast experience in the development of high quality bachelor's degrees in natural sciences. Many graduates continue to study or work overseas, however, there are also graduates who would like to continue their academic career but can’t afford to go abroad.

There are no educational programs in Georgia that provide adequate access to education to an integrated natural sciences program, namely biology, physics and chemistry. Therefore, the joint educational program in natural sciences is partially designed for such pesons and aims to provide them with a high standard of educational services.

FUT and AUG have unique resources, such as highly qualified professors, material base, financial resources, etc. in the field of natural sciences in order to jointly prepare PhD graduates that will be able to engage in scientific, pedagogical or practical activities.

With joint resources, FUT & AUG can create much better conditions and scientific environment than separately from each other.

While designing this educational program, existing successful models in both United States and in Europe were reviewed and taken into account. Based on these models, we developed a curriculum matching with our goals and potential.

Objectives of the Programme:

The goal of the Joint PhD Program in Natural Sciences is to:

  • ensure scientific research in natural sciences, namely, in biology / chemistry / physics;
  • prepare skilled staff in natural sciences, namely, in biology / chemistry / physics, that can independently conduct scientific research and teach at higher educational institutions;
  • activate work in the field of scientific research, raising the quality of scientific research and integrating researchers in international scientific field;
  • ensure the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in natural sciences, namely, in biology / chemistry / physics.


Goals set to achieve by Universities’ PhD Students are to:

  • identify and organise research with the help of a mentor;
  • offer methodological and theoretical knowledge required to conduct a high level of research;
  • create an appropriate environment for effective work - in particular PhD students should have a work space, computer hardware, library, as well as access to electronic library resources).


Joint PhD Program in Natural Sciences is focused on the development of the necessary skills, which are important for a successful career in the current labour market. PhD students will be able to share their future scientific interests and engage them in new and neighbouring study fields. This is especially important when PhD students are looking for ways to solve complex, interdisciplinary scientific problems in natural sciences.


Aim of FUT & AUG is to create the best environment for learning, teaching and research, which will be the best in Georgia and accessible to young people at all levels, including at the PhD level. University will assist PhD students in creating the best environment for studying in their fields of interest.

Career Options:

After completion of PhD Program in Natural Sciences, graduates will be able to work as:

  • scientists or researchers in private and state projects;
  • academic personnel at the university;
  • consultant in private and public organizations.

Learning Outcomes: 

After the completion of the PhD Programme, graduates will own general and specific competencies listed below:


Knowledge and Understanding:

Graduates will possess:

  • knowledge, based on the latest achievements in biology / chemistry / physics, which will enable the development of existing knowledge and innovative methods;
  • knowledge of modern methods of scientific research in biology/ chemistry / physics.


Applying Knowledge to Practice:

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • independently plan, implement and supervise research in biology / chemistry / physics;
  • develop new research and analytical methods and approaches in biology / chemistry/ physics, which are oriented towards creating new knowledge and reflecting the results in international referencing publications;
  • conduct experimental research in biology / chemistry / physics;
  • apply carried out research results in biology / chemistry / physics into practice.


Ability to Make Conclusion:

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • conduct deep critical analysis, synthesis and assessment of new, complex and contradictory ideas and approaches;
  • independently make correct and effective decisions to solve problems.


Communication Skills:

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • demonstrate new knowledge in a reasonable and clear way interlinking it with existing knowledge;
  • participate in thematic polemics with the international scientific community in English.


Ability to Learn:

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • retrieve / process/ use information;
  • prepare and develop new ideas and processes in learning and activity process, as well as in scientific research, based on the latest achievements.



  • knowledge and sharing of ethical norms in research;
  • research ways of establishing values;

develop innovative methods to establish values.


Full description of the programme