Swedish Institute + Rumsfeld Foundation

21 ივლისი 2013

Swedish Institute

The Swedish Institute (SI) is a public agency that promotes interest and confidence in Sweden around the world. SI seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other countries through strategic communication and exchange in the fields of culture, education, science and business.

The Swedish Institute scholarship programmes target global talent who want to contribute and participate in building sustainable networks between Sweden and other countries.

The following scholarship programmes are administered by the Swedish Institute:

Guest Scholarship Programme

The programme provides PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers with an excellent opportunity to conduct a study or research visit to a Swedish university within all academic fields. Selected applicants receive a monthly stipend.

There will be no call for applications for the Guest Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2013-2014.

The Visby Programme-Swedish Institute's Baltic Sea Region Exchange Programme

The Visby Programme is available to two different groups of students:

1. Scholarships for master's level studies:The programme aims at creating an integrated knowledge-based region that consists of Sweden and the other programme countries. The scholarship covers both living costs and tuition fees.

The programme is open to candidates from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 9,000 per month.

The scholarship is only awarded for programmes starting in the autumn semester and is granted for one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time, but will be extended for programmes longer than two semesters provided that study results are satisfactory.

The scholarship is designed to cover living costs and study expenses for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members.

The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended beyond the study programme period nor can the scholarship be transferred to another study programme and/or university.

Scholarship holders receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a one-time payment, fixed according to the scheme below and based upon the citizenship of the applicant. The grant is meant to also cover the cost of the return flight. Students of a program that lasts longer than two semesters will receive an additional grant with the scholarship extension.

• Belarus, Ukraine and Russia: SEK 4,000.
• Georgia, Moldova: SEK 5,000.

For additional information please visit the link:

2. Scholarships for PhD studies and postdoctoral research in Sweden:The program aims at creating an integrated knowledge-based region consisting of Sweden and the other program countries. The program is targeted at candidates from the following countries: Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. Its main objective is to strengthen cooperation and network building between those countries and Sweden in the fields of higher education and research.

Target groups:

PhD studies – two different models of applying. The first model consists of PhD students/candidates applying for one long-term visit (either 6, 9 or 12 months) as part of their PhD studies. The second model consists of candidates applying for a scholarship according to the sandwich model (several shorter visits). The scholarship period for candidates on a sandwich set-up is a maximum 12 months over three years, divided into a maximum of two research visits per year.
Postdoctoral research - individuals applying for a postdoctoral research long-term visit (6, 9 or 12 months) must be holders of a PhD degree, preferably from 2008 or later.
Senior scientists – holders of a PhD degree but who do not fit into the category of postdoctoral researchers, above, invited to Sweden for research (6 months maximum).

The scholarship amounts to SEK 15,000 per month for PhD students and SEK 18,000 per month for postdoctoral researchers and senior scientists. The scholarship cannot be prolonged or extended.
Applicants previously awarded a scholarship from SI for study or research at a Swedish university will not be given priority. For PhD students, priority will be given to candidates enrolled in ongoing PhD studies at their home university.

For additional information please visit the link:

Rumsfeld FoundationFellowships

In 2008, the Rumsfeld Foundation launched its graduate fellowship program to provide grants to promising students with an interest in serving the nation through policy-relevant fields or by pursuing a career in public service. Some of the country's most respected scholars in fields from economics to international relations have helped identify candidates of outstanding intellectual ability, integrity, moral character and leadership potential who will benefit from some financial assistance. Depending on the circumstances of each selected student, he or she can receive a stipend for the academic year and tuition assistance - for a combined total of up to $25,000 per student. Fellowships are awarded on the basis of nominations from sixteen confidential advisers in universities across the country. Students may not directly apply for the fellowship through their university; they must be nominated. The foundation does not accept outside applications. The fellowship program has advisers at each of the following institutions: George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University, Missouri State University, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Virginia, Indiana University, Stanford University, Villanova University, Institute of World Politics, University of Chicago, Yale University. In the four years of the program, the Rumsfeld Foundation has awarded fellowships to 42 graduate students.

See more at: