Visegrad Scholarship Program (VSP)

24 ივნისი 2013

The International Visegrad Fund offers Master's and Post-Master's scholarships awarded to selected scholars for periods of 1 or 2 semesters (with the exception of Master's scholarships within the In-Coming scheme where 1– to 4-semester scholarships can be awarded).

The In-Coming Scholarships scheme is suitable for scholars who wish to study at accredited public or pri­vate universities or institutes of the respective national academies of sciences in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (i.e., the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia). Citizens of the following countries and territories are eligible to apply (please note that the highlighted countries fall within a subprogram title Scholarships for the Eastern Partnership—the rules are identical): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.

Successful applicants within this scheme will receive scholarships of €2,300/semester and the corre­sponding host universities/institutes receive €1,500/semester/scholar. Scholars who will have to travel to the host institution more than 1,500 km are also eligible for one-time Travel Grant.

Deadline for all scholarship applications is at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on January 31 each year. Results are announced by mid-May.

For more details please visit the link:

Research Grants for Scholars

Small Grants

Any organization or natural per­son in the world (with the exception of institutions directly funded from state budgets) is eligible for the fund­ing provided that the proposed project has "Visegrad" features (for inspiration please see previously awarded grants). With the exception of cross-border projects, entities from at least three Visegrad Group (V4) countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) must be involved (e.g. a V4 organizer and at least two V4 partners). It is advised, however, to include partners from all V4 countries. For more details see the grant guidelines.

Most recipients are non-governmental and civil society organizations (NGOs and CSOs), municipalities, schools and other public institutions. Maximum contribution of the Fund for each Small Grant project is €6,000. The financial contribution of the Fund cannot exceed 70% of total project costs including the in-kind contribution of the applicant, or in-kind contributions of other subjects. Maximum time frame of the pro­posed projects is 6 months (even if the projects are envisaged to last longer).

Projects financed within Small Grants should fall within one of the following six categories: cultural cooper­ation, scientific exchange and research, education, youth exchanges, cross-border cooperation or promotion of tourism.

Annual budget: €640,000
Max. budget per project: €6,000
Max. time frame: 6 months
Annual deadlines: March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1

All grant applications must be submitted through the on-line application system by 12:00 p.m. (noon) CET on a given deadline date; signed hard-copy versions (printouts) with accompanying documentation can be personally delivered by 16:30 CET on the same day or sent by post with that day's postmark as the latest.

For more information please visit the link:

Standard Grants

Any organization or natural per­son in the world (with the exception of institutions directly funded from state budgets) is eligible for the fund­ing provided that the proposed project has "Visegrad" features (for inspiration please see previously awarded grants).With the exception of cross-border projects, entities from at least three Visegrad Group (V4) countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) must be involved (e.g., a V4 organizer and at least two V4 partners). It is advised, however, to include partners from all V4 countries. For more details see the grant guidelines.

Most recipients are non-governmental civil-society and civil society organizations (NGOs and CSOs), munic­ipalities, schools and other public institutions. Minimum contribution of the Fund for each Standard Grants is €6,001 and more. The financial contribution of the Fund cannot exceed 70% of total project costs includ­ing the in-kind contribution of the applicant, or in-kind contributions of other subjects. The maximum time frame of the proposed budget is 12 months (even if the projects are envisaged to last longer).

Projects financed within Standard Grants should fall within one of the following six categories: cultural cooperation, scientific exchange and research, education, youth exchange, cross-border coopera­tion or promotion of tourism.

Annual budget: €2,200,000
Min. budget per project: €6,001 (on average budgets run around €10–15,000)
Max. time frame: 12 months
Annual deadlines: March 15 and September 15

All grant applications must be submitted through the on-line application system by 12:00 (noon) CET on a given deadline date; signed hard-copy versions (printouts) with accompanying documentation can be per­sonally delivered by 16:30 CET on the same day or sent by post with that day's postmark as the latest.

For more information please visit the link:


The Visegrad+ Program was established in 2008 from the so-called Flexible Fund. Visegrad+ is a grant program created to administer and finance projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU member states in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (countries within the EU's Eastern Partnership including Georgia) and the Western Balkans.

So far projects were focused on Belarus, Serbia and Georgia (see previously approved project proposals).

The priority target countries, priority orientation and project topics for Visegrad+ projects are defined and approved by the decision of the Conference of Ministers. Calls for proposals are announced on the Fund's website. Projects are reviewed and administered by the Fund's Secretariat; project proposals selected by the National V4 Coordinators are formally approved by the Council of Ambassadors and Conference of Ministers. Project topics are selected in compliance with the Statute of the Fund.

For more information please visit the link:

Visegrad University Studies Grant (VUSG)

The Visegrad University Studies Grant (VUSG) is a grant program designed for universities with the aim to promote and support the development and launching of outstanding university courses or degree programs that deal with specific phenomena explicitly related to the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). The grant is intended as a lump-sum, multiple-installment grant awarded to university departments, schools or faculties, which can present the course's/program's thorough syllabus/curriculum and confirm its planned long-term enrollment. The supported sums depend on the scope and quality of each project but are intended to be ca. €10,000 per course and €40,000 per degree program).

Any public or private university in the world is eligible for the grant. The course/program can be taught in any language. The course/program is expected to secure for each semester of its enrollment at least two/three relevant guest lecturers from two V4 countries (others than that of the applicant).

Deadline: November 10, 2013 (the results will be announced by the end of January 2014)

Annual budget: €280,000
The project application must be filled out in English and should include the following attachments:

• Professional CV(s) of the coordinator(s)
• Course syllabus/program curriculum
• Tentative letters of agreement from the guest lecturers
• Confirmation about the enrollment of the course within given program (continuation)
• Copy of ministerial accreditation (where applicable)
• Copy of identification documents of the applicant institution
• Course description(s) for each course within a degree program

For more information please visit the link: