Vision & Mission

12 ივლისი 2013


Free University of Tbilisi is a higher educational institution focused on students and their success; it is an institution with the highest reputation and is the leader of higher education of Georgia.

At all three levels of tertiary education, Free University Programmes are based on the principles of liberal education, with the aim of developing creative and critical thinking, as well as practical skills of the students.


Free University of Tbilisi is a non-state higher education institution founded by the non-profit charitable organization the Knowledge Fund.

The university has no private or institutional beneficiaries. The beneficiaries of the university are knowledge-seekers, directly – the students, and indirectly - through the improvement level of education -  the entire society.

The mission of Free University on undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels is to:

  • create the best environment for learning, teaching and research in Georgia and make this environment accessible to outstanding young persons;
  • give the students an opportunity to develop their values ​​based on free and critical thinking in order to be able to navigate and to adapt to the different environments, to take important decisions, as well as to creatively approach the challenges that the modern and rapidly changing world offers;
  • provide teaching and learning in Georgian, in order to facilitate the development of Georgian language as a scientific and communication language.
  • be focused on students' interests and their future success. 

Free University paves the way for its current and future students for free cognition and on each level of higher education enables them to:

  • understand what nature, society, people and art are;
  • develop quantitative reasoning skills;
  • effectively communicate their opinion professionally and academically; orally and in writing;
  • acquire and develop new knowledge, using critical and analytical thinking;
  • make ethical decisions based on moral values;
  • recognise the diversity of the world and of the society and be tolerant.